Keep Your Pets Safe During A Storm With These 10 Foul-Weather Tips

5. Provide Water

Photo: Pixabay
Make sure you have plenty of water available for your animal friend. This is especially important if power goes out for a long period of time and water is not being pumped to your location. If the storm occurs during the summer, keep in mind that your pet is going to need more water to stay cool.

4. Have Bloat Meds Available

Photo: Max Pixel
A pet that gets overly stressed tends to bloat. The chance of this happening during a storm is much more likely than in normal circumstances, so have bloat medication available. Bloat meds are also good to keep in your pet emergency kit.

3. Allow Your Pet to Hide

Photo: Pixabay
If your pet insists on hiding and you’re prepared to stay at home for the long haul, then let it. You might even try getting your pet to hide in a carrier or kennel. Make sure you know your pet’s favorite hiding places, as well as how to safely remove your pet from them should it become necessary.

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