New Variation of Wordle Made Just for Dog Lovers

New Variation of Wordle Made Just for Dog Lovers

A web-based game has become the world’s newest word puzzle addiction. Wordle quickly became a popular daily game, and players are often sharing their daily progress on their social media accounts.

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Wordle is a game where players are given a puzzle wherein they have to guess 5-letter words with limited moves. Each entry must be a valid word, and after each guess, the color of the tiles will change to show how close your guess was to the word. If a tile turns green, it’s the correct letter in the correct spot; if a tile turns yellow, the letter is in the word of the day but is in the wrong spot; lastly, gray tiles are letters that are wrong.

Since the start of 2022, Wordle has become a constant presence in the trending topics on Twitter. A lot of variations of the game have been made as well. From topics like Shakespeare with the Bardle game, to the Worldle game, which makes use of a country’s silhouette as a hint, to the dizzying Quordle, game with 4 words to guess a day. And now my personal fave, Dogsdle.

Unlike the original version of Wordle, Dogsdle isn’t limited to a 5-letter word puzzle. In this version, players are to correctly guess the breed of dog within 8 guesses. The only clue given to the players is the dog of the day’s silhouette. A player, with the help of predictive text, will then type out their guess and will have to click on their chosen breed on the drop-down list that appears as you type.

After each incorrect guess, the players will see 7 tiles in the area below where they have to guess; these are clues about the dog breed of the day. The breed’s size, how they shed, grooming needs, coat, activity level, age expectancy, and their country of origin are listed as the tiles to help players guess.

Once a player guesses correctly, the game will show a photo of the correct answer and some additional info about the breed. Honestly, if there’s a version of this where I can play all day, I’ll get it instantly. I love dogs and would love to know more about different kinds of breeds all over the world.

If you’d like to add this game to your bookmarks and play it along with your original Wordle game, Dogsdle can be played here.

Or if you’d like to read some stories about Dogsdle’s breed of the day, read about Obi the Corgi here.

Louise Peralta

A homebody who's in a never ending journey of being my own person.

A dog mom, a gamer, and a graphic designer.

I've been balancing my time between working for myself and for my family and have been enjoying my free time by either reading books, listening to music, or playing games.

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