What is the definition of compulsion training in dog behavior?

Compulsion dog training uses positive punishment, such as leash corrections, and negative reinforcement, such as ear pinches or an electric collar. The trainer manipulates the dog into a position by using physical placement or training equipment. For example, the dog may be physically manipulated into sitting by applying pressure on his bottom or brought into heel position with a head halter or collar correction.

Once the dog responds quickly to a command, the praise or a food treat is given.

The concept behind compulsion or punishment based training techniques is that a negative response is given immediately during or after an unwanted behavior. The intended result is that the animal learns that the performed behavior has a negative result and therefore will not perform the behavior in the future. The most common type of negative response that is used in dog training is a leash correction. Leash corrections are used by some owners when the dog pulls; the leash is jerked or popped quickly and normally a choke or prong collar is used to cause pain from that pop. The idea is that the dog stops pulling.

Compulsion training may be employed with some degree of success with strong-willed dogs, such as German shepherds, Rottweilers, Boxers and Akitas, but may have a negative effect on extremely sensitive dogs, making them nervous and fearful.

Keep in mind that each dog has his own personality. Responsible, professional dog trainers do not use this training style that relies on choke collars and other methods of physical intimidation. The trend is toward using positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to achieve good behavior. Spend time in indoor and outdoor play to restore the trust between you and your dog.

Though the compulsion training method does use negative reinforcement, it does not depend on punishment. Correction options include withholding treats or toys, withholding petting and smiling, and physical correction such as tugs on a leash.

The compulsion method often uses pinch collars. It does not include hitting dogs or any kind of abuse. Physical restraint or correction may be necessary for certain breeds to induce obedience. However, individual dogs can vary greatly in personality.

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