Stray Cat Adopts Family After They Pull Over for a Pit Stop for Their Dog

This story has been shared as part of the Fur Fam Story Contest. Submissions were accepted through December 5th. Voting will run from December 6th through December 31st. Three grand prize winners will receive a $500 prize, plus $2000 in cash and supplies for their favorite shelter. See all the stories here!

I thought my little family was perfect. What I didn’t know is that it wasn’t complete, not yet. One hot summer day as we headed home from a nice weekend at our extended family’s cottage, a pit stop needed to be made. Just one month earlier, our newest addition to our family, a Bernese mountain dog puppy, Moana, finally came home to us. As she was still so young, she couldn’t hold her bladder for the entire car ride. As we pulled off on a highway exit ramp, I got Moana leashed up and she did her business.


Out of nowhere, I heard a strong meow and saw a rustle in the tall grass. Even with the pup right next to me, this little tuxedo cat came bounding up to me, meowing the whole way, like he was calling out to me not to leave him. I got Moana in the car and picked up the little guy. He was so skinny but was a purr machine in my arms. I knew I couldn’t leave him, but I was concerned as we already had two kitties at home, Lilo and Stitch, actual siblings from the same litter. But I was not about to leave this gorgeous boy as someone clearly already had. He was in a secluded area with no houses or civilization around, and I hate to think what happened to him prior to his abrupt arrival into my life.

I contacted the best cat vet I know and a truly selfless human being, Dr. Jen Gillum. She not only is a vet but the founder and working vet for Crash’s Landing, an adult cat rescue facility in my hometown. She was able to squeeze my new little man in and set to work making sure he was okay. He ended up having a botfly larva in his neck! Very gross and his poor neck had a huge gaping hole in it. Based on this and my love for animated movies, the name Hiccup just seemed perfect for him.

Other than the neck issue, he was just skinny and dehydrated. Jen fixed him right up, gave us some antibiotics and asked me what we were going to do with him. Unfortunately, Crash’s Landing was full, as it is almost all the time. But from the first moment I met this fur ball, I knew he would be part of my family. Since he was healthy, I had no more worries about bringing him home to stay.


Now everything wasn’t peaches and roses, but eventually Lilo, Stitch, and Hiccup have come to love each other. They are all approximately the same age and love to sleep with me, cuddle with each other, and wreak havoc all over the house. Moana and Hiccup became fast friends though and love to wrestle. Since that day, we have also welcomed Thor, another puppy, and Astrid, a tiny kitten found at my fiancé’s work. She also had a visit to Dr. Jen and once she got a clean bill of health, she joined the family.

Now with two dogs and four cats, some people might call us crazy. I just call us a family. As I now am lucky enough to work from home, these animals aren’t just my companions and confidants, but now my coworkers! Hiccup especially is my little helper. Every day he helps me work by requesting plenty of head scratches before starting work. He then jumps on my desk and keyboard and tries to type emails out. Now if only I could teach him how to answer the phone! I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by the best furry coworkers, even if they are all up in my business and making themselves heard on my conference calls.


I love and adore all of my fur-babies and they truly have blessed me with their love. They are always there for me whether it’s a bad day or a good day. They snuggle me, keep me on my toes, and provide some comic relief throughout my day. A family isn’t just made up of just people, it extends to pets as they love more unconditionally than any person I’ve met. They accept you as you are and just want to love and be loved in return. Now my fiancé, myself, and our home full of animated characters (Lilo, Stitch, Hiccup, Moana, Thor, and Astrid) feel complete.

This story was submitted by Kayla Keller, in support of Crash’s Landing. To see other Fur Fam Story Contest submissions, click here!

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