Kitten Gets Covered in a Wendy’s Frosty on the Ride to His Forever Home, Gets Fun Name as a Result

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

I just happened onto Craigslist one day and found an ad from people giving away a free kitten. I really wasn’t looking for a cat, having two already, but I just fell in love with his little face and couldn’t resist.


So I messaged the people and arranged to pick him up later that week. We met at a local shopping centre, and I brought someone with me since going to meet strangers on my own sounded like a bad idea.


On the way home, we stopped at a Wendy’s to get two Frosties. I got a chocolate and the other a vanilla. So the person that came with me was holding the small kitten in one hand and the Frosty in the other. We could tell the kitten was hungry and he really wanted some of that Frosty, so they tried to let the kitten have a little lick. However, it just happened to be as I hit a bump.


The poor kitten got vanilla Frosty all over his little black face, but he took it like a champ and just licked as much as he could before his face was wiped down with a napkin. One of us remarked how he was kind of a beast, because he hadn’t been as scared as most other kittens would have been. The name just stuck.

Now, Frosty Beast is four years old and just as tenacious as ever. He loves to play and go outside, and he even loves to go for car rides. He is the best companion I could ever ask for, and I am most grateful for that (pretty much only) time I went to Craigslist.

PHOTO: Tascha Bröden

Story submitted by Tascha Bröden from Winter Park, Florida.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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