Mama Cat Tries Sneaking Into The Vet Clinic To Get Her Abandoned Kittens

Stories like this just melt your heart: A vet clinic in New Zealand found a box of kittens dumped at their front door. They opened the box to find three tabby/white boys and one black/tabby girl around the ages of 3 to 4 weeks.

“Of course we all fell in love with them & vet nurse Nicole took them home to care for them overnight,” Mill Road Vet Clinic said in their Facebook post.

Posted by Mill Road Vet Hospital on Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The next morning, they noticed a tabby cat hanging around their front door. The cat would try and sneak into the vet clinic each time a client arrived.

Posted by Mill Road Vet Hospital on Wednesday, October 14, 2015

“When we realized it [cat] wasn’t going to go away, we picked her up and discovered she was a feeding mom.”

It clicked. They put the entire scenario together and realized that it was most likely the kitten’s mother trying to nurse her children.

Posted by Mill Road Vet Hospital on Wednesday, October 14, 2015

“Sure enough, we introduced her to the “orphan” kittens & there was a very happy reunion! Presumably, she had been in the box too and escaped before we arrived for work. She’s probably been prowling around all night looking for her kidnapped kittens!”

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