This Lovely Guard Goose Protects Not Only the Farm but Also Everyone's Happiness

This Lovely Guard Goose Protects Not Only the Farm but Also Everyone's Happiness

Each animal has a role in society that they excellently fulfill. It's as if they know their role must be greatly prioritized from the moment they are born. Fascinatingly, dogs aren't the only species born to protect and maintain order — a goose is also capable of being a guardian. They can guide the flock and ensure no one gets lost or hurt. A guard goose extends its help toward other animals. Geese are wired to be a security alarm whenever they sense something is off. You could definitely trust them with your farm. As they wander, they also look out for danger.

 width= Photo: Youtube/The Dodo
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Harriet is an excellent example of a guard goose. She was adopted by Mona when she was a chick. Since day one, they had already built a connection as Harriet comfortably sat on her lap without a fuss. Harriet never showed any signs of anxiety when Mona transported her to their farm. It's as if she had a good feeling about where they were going — she knew it would be her forever home. "Once she started getting very confident in the house, I just thought, 'Ok, let me start taking her outside.' I started walking, and she just immediately walked after me. So I would just take her on walks everyday around the garden," Mona shared.

 width= Photo: Youtube/The Dodo

Aside from the beautiful bond, Harriet has been an incredible help on the farm. "I had learned, through doing some research, that there's a whole concept of having a guard goose to be protective over the flock. It is part of her nature to lead," she explained. Mona mentioned that Harriet keeps everyone in check but with care and is not too much of a boss. The guard goose provides security in the gentlest way possible and has been trained by Mona in the sweetest way. Harriet's form of protection reflects the way she was showered by love since she was a baby. For this reason, she's not only smart but emotionally intelligent, which are great qualities of an effective guardian.

Mona is determined to give the lovely goose the best life. She's willing to do anything for her happiness, such as setting up a portable pool for her. Harriet loves swimming so much that she couldn't help but join Mona in an actual swimming pool even when she's not allowed. The family might restrict her, but in the end, they'll permit the adorable goose to have fun. Mona has truly found a gem in the form of Harriet, with which she shares everything she's passionate about. From caring for the animals to gardening, Harriet is beside her. You can watch their delightful relationship in the video below. Better guard your heart because Harriet will effortlessly win it!

Ergil Ermeno

I strive to learn and excel more in content creation, including blog writing, graphic design, social media posts, and video editing. Photography is one of those skills that I take an interest in. However, I do not use my photography skills for work as I treat the activity as my hobby. My usual subjects are my pets and loved ones. The lovely fur babies at home make photography even more fun, especially now that I am in a remote setup for work.

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