“Don’t Forget The Pets” Movement Hopes To Increase Amount Of Pet-Friendly Domestic Violence Shelters

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Greater Good Charities’ Rescue Rebuild is taking action by helping people who are escaping abuse stay with their pets.

“18-48% of domestic violence victims either delayed leaving an abusive situation or returned to the abuser ‘out of fear’ for the welfare of their pets. This response is well-founded, given that up to 89% of pet-owning women entering shelters reported that their abuser had injured, killed or threatened family pets,” states ASPCA.

Photo: Pixabay/ Engin Akyurt

There is a great need for safe shelter for violence victims and their pets. Currently, only 18% of the domestic violence shelters accept pets, but Rescue Rebuild and their partners aim to fix that.

On-site Renovations

In September, Rescue Rebuild renovated a domestic violence shelter in Penobscot County, Maine. The hardworking team and volunteers made an inviting space for people and pets. Greater Good Charities (GGC) posted, “Renovations like this make sure shelters have space and resources for pets.”

Photo: Greater Good Charities

The team is on the road again and heading to Albany, Georgia, to transform a domestic violence shelter into a happy place for people and their beloved pets.

Check out the video below of completed renovations at another shelter from a couple years ago.

Don’t Forget the Pets

This online training handbook was created by Greater Good Charities and RedRover to help even more animal shelters and domestic violence shelters. It lays out a plan on how to create spaces that are safe for animals including design plans, program structure, fundraising, and much more.

The goal is to have 25% of domestic violence shelters accommodate pets by 2025. Animal shelters and domestic violence shelters are encouraged to join the movement.

Photos: Greater Good Charities

“Every year, more than 10 million people in the United States are physically abused by an intimate partner, and this abuse affects pets, too. Domestic violence shelters provide a safe and secure place to recover from trauma, but many do not allow pets. RedRover, in partnership with PetSmart Charities and Greater Good Charities, and with support from Purina, is committed to change that,” RedRover shared.

The 25 by 2025 campaign hopes to achieve the goal by advocating for pet-friendly policies, distributing grants, and providing technical and one-on-one support.

Learn more in the video below.

Get Involved

Rescue Rebuild travels around the country rebuilding, renovating, or building safe and interactive spaces at animal shelters, domestic violence shelters, veteran housing, and wildlife facilities. But they couldn’t do it without your support and volunteers.

Donate now to help keep domestic violence victims and their pets together.

Photo: Greater Good Charities

See if the team is headed to your state and how you can help here.

Take the pledge to join the movement and help save the lives of people and pets.

Together we CAN change the world.

Help Rescue Animals

Provide food and vital supplies to shelter pets at The Animal Rescue Site for free!
