10 Dog-Friendly Cat Breeds to Add to Your Multi-Pet Home

If you love animals as much as we do, you’ve probably contemplated on more than one occasion how you could add another animal to your personal menagerie without causing tension and aggression between your furry friends. If you already own a canine or two (or more) and are thinking of adding a feline, there are some dog-friendly cat breeds that might be good choices to keep the peace in your household.

Lots of cats have laid-back personalities and downright dog-like behaviors that make them the perfect companions for canines. Here’s our list of 10 cat breeds that get along best with dogs.

The Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest cat is larger than most of the house cats on this list, but their size and dog-like demeanor help them get along better with canines. Norwegian Forest cats (also called Wegies) are affectionate and inquisitive but also easygoing and trainable, and they enjoy activities such as fetch. They may also do well walking on a leash if trained when young.

Norwegian Forest Cat
Photo: Adobe Stock/puteli

The Birman

Birman cats are luxurious-looking long-haired felines, but they tend to be mild and calm, friendly and affectionate. They get along easily with dogs, partially because their fascination with the game of fetch. They’re also likely to enjoy partaking in chasing games and tag with other animals in your household. If you’re worried Fido will be lonely when you’re not home, worry no longer with a Birman in the house.

The Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail is known for its trainability. Many of these cats learn to walk on leashes, perform tricks like a dog might be able to, and “chat” with humans. Some of them like to play fetch and even splash in water, so they’re great playmates to dogs, because they enjoy some of the same activities.

Japanese Bobtail Cat
Photo: Adobe Stock/slowmotiongli

The Abyssinian

Abyssinian cats are known for their curiosity and playfulness, making them great friends for dogs. They’re affectionate and want to be included in whatever activities the rest of the pack is doing. They generally don’t enjoy being lap cats, so if your dog is used to having that spot all to himself, he won’t have to compromise. However, this cat has a lot of energy, so it’s best for someone with an active lifestyle and other energetic pets in the house.

The Turkish Van

The Turkish Van is an active cat with a high energy level. It’s known for retrieving and playing in the water, so it’s likely to get along well with a dog who enjoys the same activities. And as an added bonus, its silky medium-length fur is a great mixture between the elegance of long-haired breeds and the low-maintenance status of short-haired breeds. However, beware that some Turkish Vans like to be the leader of their households, which may pose a problem if your dog isn’t interested in giving up the alpha status.

Turkish Van Cat
Photo: Adobe Stock/mhfotosmile1

The American Shorthair

The American shorthair is one of the top pet cat breeds in the world. These cats have a great disposition and are very intelligent and social, which helps them get along with dogs and other pets. American shorthairs are confident enough to stand up to a dog who tries to mess with them, and once boundaries are in place within the household, they’ll happily play with their doggy brothers and sisters.

The Tonkinese

Tonkinese cats are known for their talkative nature and their distinctive meow, which sounds more like the quack of a duck. When they’re not climbing and perching in high locations to look down on their domain, they often enjoy dog-like activities such as fetch, and they stand a good chance of getting along well with a canine companion. They dislike being alone, so having a dog in the house will help them feel right at home, even when you’re away.

Tonkinese Cat
Photo: Adobe Stock/Carolina K Smith MD

The Siberian

Siberian cats are another dog-like breed that can be trained to play fetch, walk on a leash, hunt, complete obstacles, and play in water. They’re a very playful breed with a sense of humor and enjoy being around other animals, even those of a different species. This affectionate and elegant cat may be the perfect addition to your pet palace.

The Maine Coon

The biggest cat on the list, the Maine Coon is a “gentle giant” who won’t feel like the family dog is about to run him over. Maine Coons are also often very dog-like in nature, happily going on walks on a leash, following their owners from room to room, coming when called, and even playing fetch. They act like dogs and will likely get along with them easily.

Maine Coon Cat
Photo: Adobe Stock/Sergei

The Ragdoll

Ragdoll cats are a large long-haired breed sometimes known as “puppy cats” because of their canine-like behavior. They get along well with most other types of pets and can be trained to play fetch and perform tricks like rolling over or begging. They don’t mind sharing and don’t tend to be territorial when it comes to their humans or their food. Their easygoing personalities and high degree of tolerance make them the perfect playmates for dogs and young children.


Lots of different types of cats can get along with dogs. Overall, whether or not your cat and dog can be friends probably depends more on their individual personalities and past experiences with the other species than it does on their breed. However, breeds of both cats and dogs impact their friendliness, calmness, and other personality traits that might impact their ability to get along.

Abyssinian Cat
Photo: Adobe Stock/finix_observer

If you want to add a cat to your multi-pet home, there are some things you can do to help your new furry friend get along with dogs and other animals. Give your new cat their own space for a few days, slowly introducing your other pets’ smell to them, followed by the pets themselves.

When you first allow your cat to roam your home freely, remove the other animals from it so she has the freedom to explore at her leisure for a while. Then carefully introduce her to your other animals in the main area of your home. Be careful to stay calm and firm so that your dog(s) don’t associate the cat with excitement and become aggressive.

We hope this helps you find the perfect addition to your fur-friendly family!

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