Top 10 Weirdest Animal Behaviors!

Animals can be absolutely breathtaking, but sometimes, they’re just downright weird. Here are 10 of those times when animals just act weird.

1. Fainting Goats

These goats have muscles that freeze for 10 seconds when they panic, so they’re basically the opposite of clutch.

2. Pitcher Plants Provide an Echo Chamber for Bats

In return, the plant gets bat droppings which it uses as fertilizer. What a trade.

3. Zebra Finches Have Funny Reproductive Habits

If the female thinks her mate is ugly, she lays a slightly bigger egg, which has extra nutrients that she hopes help out the father’s bad genes.

4. Horned Lizards Spray Blood as a Defense Mechanism

That’s weird enough, but guess where they spray it? Out of their eyes.

5. Mole Rats Are Quite the Athletes

Naked, blind and living in darkness, the mole rat is somehow able to run as fast backwards as it can forwards, which is kind of impressive.

6. Crows Don’t Forget

Crows never forget a face and they can hold a grudge for life. Not just their life, either, as their kids hold the same grudges against the same people.

7. Vervet Monkeys Love to Party

They developed such a love for alcohol that they started stealing it from local resorts like a gang of rebellious teenagers.

8. The Spotted Skunk Is a Natural Gymnast

When predators are near, he busts out a handstand to leave them cowering in fear.

9. Army Ants Walk Until They Die

Army ants can’t see, so they use chemical trails to know where to go. If the trail for a group of army ants gets looped in a circle, all the ants follow it until they die from walking too much.

10. Pistol Shrimp Have the Best Snap Ever

Their snaps create a sonic boom with a shockwave that gets as hot as the surface as the sun, at least for a brief moment. It uses this ridiculously cool ability to stun prey.

The weirdness is part of their charm.

Animals may be weird, but they all deserve a loving home and we can help.

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