8 Reasons Why Great Danes Are Simply The Best Dogs You Can Find

4. They’re Fiercely Loyal

While most of the aggression found in the ancestors of today’s Danes has been bred out, they still have a bit of that old protective instinct. Great Danes can be very loyal and protective of their families, which coupled with their size, makes them intimidating guard dogs. Puppies do need to be raised carefully so that they learn to only let it out when their families are truly in danger.

3. They’re Fearless and Brave

Great Danes are known for never giving up, which can be a little exhausting during a game of tug of war, but it makes them good working and sporting dogs. Their unflappable temperament also makes them brave and outgoing, with a courageous personality. They love to explore and try new things, but they aren’t afraid of looking silly.

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