Boy With Traumatic Brain Injury Sees “Turning Point” In Recovery After Meeting Colonel The Golden Retriever

Going through something so terrible like a traumatic accident is so hard and heartbreaking. It’s even more difficult and heartbreaking when it’s a young child.

Kids are supposed to enjoy their childhoods, not have to fight for survival at such a young age. For Caleb, things were pretty touch-and-go following a horrible car accident that left the young boy in the intensive care unit suffering from a traumatic brain injury.

Photo: YouTube/ita4me

His parents were devastated. They didn’t know what life was going to look like for Caleb moving forward, or if he would even survive at all.

Understandably, it was a very dark time for the family as they rallied around their son and hoped for a miracle. It was clear that Caleb’s road to recovery was going to be a long and difficult one. But, there was some hope.

Photo: YouTube/ita4me

That sliver of hope came with four legs. A sweet Golden Retriever named Colonel was just what the family needed.

According to a video by Intermountain Therapy Animals, Colonel is a therapy dog, and when Caleb first got introduced to the pooch, the results were immediate.

Photo: YouTube/ita4me

As Caleb’s father explains in the video, up until that point, Caleb’s recovery and the signs of his recovery were so small, it seemed almost hopeless. But then when Caleb met Colonel, Caleb’s father called it “a turning point” as it showed so much hope and promise that the young boy would be able to recover.

He wouldn’t be alone, he’d have Colonel to work with him over time. And that was absolutely amazing to watch!

Check out the video below:

What do you think of Caleb and Colonel’s relationship? Have you ever seen the positive effects dogs have on people before? Let us know!

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