4 Homemade Dog Treats

We love our fur babies so much, they bring so much light into our lives, that we frequently think we’d do just about anything for them. And that includes skipping the store-bought dog food and making homemade food and treats for them ourselves. It’s easy! We promise, it might seem like a time suck at first, but whipping up homemade snacks is actually super quick and requires little-to-no effort. Plus, one of these recipes is actually incredibly helpful when it comes to making sure our puppers get the medicine they need – check it out below! Here are four of our tried and tried recipes for our pups.

Slow Cooker Dog Food

With pet food recalls popping up left and right, it’s never been more important to know how to make your own pet food. And when it’s this easy, there’s no reason you can’t make it every week! Using the slow cooker, you can throw in all your ingredients in the morning, then set it and forget it. You can’t really overcook it either, since it’s fine if it gets a little mushy. Plus, it’s great knowing exactly what you’re feeding your pups, where your ingredients come from, and which nutrients they’re getting. Get the recipe here!

Dog Treat Pill Pockets

Our pups can be pretty finicky when it comes to taking their medication, so we typically relied on store-bought pill pockets to hide their medicine in. Pop the pills in there, then your dogs, thinking they’re just getting a treat, will gobble them down, including the pills. Well, said pill pockets can be rather expensive, especially it turns out the homemade version is super easy AND economical! Three ingredients are all you need for these bad boys, then you just press the pill in and you’re good to go. We can keep loving on our fur babies, knowing exactly what they’re getting, and they get all the meds they need to stay healthy! Click here for the recipe!

Candy Corn Dog Treats

We’ve raved about homemade dog treats before, but these frozen treats really take the cake – they’re little candy corn treats for when you want to celebrate Halloween with your fur babies! We used our favorite paw print ice cube tray to make these suckers extra cute, then filled them up with an assortment of yogurt, pumpkin and banana to easily create a healthy snack to further get you and your pups into the spirit of the season. Grab the recipe here!

Cranberry Pumpkin Dog Treats

Holiday baking doesn’t have to be just for the humans! Your dog can benefit from a little festive flavor too. These soft treats have a taste dogs love and are packed with doggy-friendly nutrients, and we love that when we make our pups treats at home we can feel confident about the ingredients going into them. They’re totally easy to make, and we can’t get over how cute they are when they’re baked in a paw print muffin tin! Click here for the recipe!

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Provide food and vital supplies to shelter pets at The Animal Rescue Site for free!
